Why subscribe?

snack time is here to make you feel less alone in your messy body/mind/soul. If you know me from @thecheekyblog, I’ll still feed you morsels of body stuff but also heaping and varied snack trays of all the other thoughts rolling around my brain. I’m here to play and expand my writing/illustrating horizons; to get into the meat of it–navigating tough emotions or relationships and perhaps a few dashes of my latest (mildly) irrational fears? But also to talk about candy and how food would actually make a fabulous wardrobe.

And! If you know me from cheeky, this is the perfect way to stay in touch when Instagram sets off existential crises (for you or for me). This is where the really juicy ✨content✨ will live.

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By subscribing, you won’t miss a thing! Each week, you’ll receive a longer-form comic + writing in your inbox. Paid subscribers will get extra helping of my work in the form of loose diary comics (1-2 times/week).

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my deliciously messy human body and mind.


writer & illustrator